
Hungary to Allow Banks to Offer Crypto-Related Services

Hungary plans to allow banks, investment funds and asset managers to provide private and corporate clients with services in the digital asset market, Bloomberglaw reports. Currently, the Hungarian government has begun to coordinate the relevant draft law. It will allow financial institutions not only to conduct transactions...

Europe Due to Powerful Storms Boosting Wind Energy

Energy prices in Europe have fallen due to a new Atlantic storm that has brought unseasonably warm weather and increased wind power generation. On the one hand, hurricane-force winds, particularly those caused by Storm Isha, have made travelling across Northern Europe much more difficult...

The Era of Expensive Oil is Over

Global oil prices have been on a decline for the third consecutive month. Despite OPEC+’s decision to cut production at the end of November, it proved insufficient to push prices upward. Even the most optimistic analysts doubt that oil will reach record levels and hit...

Food Prices Tamed

In the realm of “from the obvious to the incredible,” after three years of exorbitant food inflation, the trend might be shifting. However, certain products prices are still on the rise. The crux, though, lies in the fact that Ukrainian food, following a hot autumn,...

Bitcoin Surges, Signalling Interesting Developments

The cryptocurrency market, accustomed to being Cinderella since its formation 14 years ago, occasionally comes into focus, especially when intriguing events unfold in the global financial markets. Currently, we are witnessing a shift from excessively expensive money to moderately expensive ones. Bitcoin, which has reached $43,000,...

Sunset of the Asian Marvel

It appears that gloomy forecasts about the Chinese economy facing tough times are coming true. While just a few months ago there were hopes that China could overcome economic challenges without bloodshed, the scale of problems in a country that demonstrated an example of rapid, even...


Swedish Pit Stop on the Way to NATO

Sweden is accelerating its move towards NATO. On December 5, the Scandinavian country signed a bilateral Defence Cooperation Agreement with the United States. Washington welcomed the signing, stating that Stockholm would enhance the capabilities of the Euro-Atlantic alliance. This is a clear indication that Sweden expects...

Axis of Evil 2.0

The tendency to call various non-democratic aggressive regimes the Axis of Evil began long ago, but chiefly for journalistic purposes. The Axis of Evil included several regimes under sanctions, which supported terrorism and had the status of outcasts in the international arena. Some of...

Dependency Boundary

Russia’s border with China has been forming since the 17th century. In the 18th century, Emperor Peter the Great carried out a demonstrative and violent westernization of Muscovy. It did not lead to Muscovy-Russia being immediately perceived in the West as part of European...

Guardians of the Grain Corridor

Ukraine has been using a newly created maritime humanitarian corridor to resume grain exports from its Black Sea ports. The new corridor stretches out across the waters of Ukraine and of NATO states Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, and it’s already been used by multiple merchant ships to dock...

German Machine Tool Manufacturer Spinner is on the Sanctions List for Cooperation with Russia

The Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) has included 14 Russian machinery importers of the German producer, SPINNER, in the roster of potential international Ukrainian sanctions. This development was officially announced on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau’s website. According to the statement, this decision was made following the...

Lithuania to Fund Rental Housing for Ukrainians

The Lithuanian branch of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will cover the rental housing costs for Ukrainian refugees. Payments will be one-time, covering the first and last months of rent. It is reported by Vakaru Expresas. Research has shown that 73% of Ukrainians have...


Top 10 Best Winter Resorts in Eastern Europe

Emotional and physical fatigue, chronic illnesses, and boredom – all accumulate in our bodies and minds throughout the year, so if we don’t take action, 2024 certainly won’t be better than 2023. While one could take a New Year vacation and embark on an...

Vanga’s 2024 Prophecies and Other Psychics Worth Attention

The legendary blind woman Vanga, nicknamed the “Balkan Nostradamus,” passed away in 1996. However, her students documented numerous pre-death prophecies, including some intriguing ones for the year 2024. Vanga’s extrasensory abilities emerged during the early days of World War II when, after catching a...

Real Ukrainians: Natalia Lipska

Natalia Lipska heads the prominent charitable foundation “Wings of Hope,” which has been actively aiding seriously ill children for more than 16 years, primarily. However, since February 24, 2022, when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Natalia Lipska has been involved in assisting...

In Search of the Sixth Taste

Salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and umami (pleasant) – this is the current official list of the five basic tastes. For most ordinary civilized people, this spectrum of gourmet experiences is entirely satisfactory. If they were to crave another taste, it would perhaps only be...

Phone Сall Etiquette in Europe

In 1943, Hryhoriy Babot, an inventor born in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, and a graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic University, proposed the idea of a mobile phone. Three decades later, on April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, an American citizen born to immigrants from the Kyiv region of...

Five First Ladies Who Went Down In World History

The term “first lady” is known all over the world, but its origin is primarily associated with the United States. Martha Washington, the wife of the country’s first president, George Washington, set a precedent by actually serving as first lady. Although the term “first...

The End of the War on Drugs

The global drug trafficking continues to grow despite the efforts to combat it. According to the World Drug Report 2023, illicit drug markets continue to expand. The supply of cocaine is growing, social media is making it easier to sell, and synthetic drugs – cheap...


History of Military UAVs

The Russian-Ukrainian War marked the first true drone battle in history. However, the idea of using unmanned lethal machines to eliminate enemies dates back to the mid-19th century. It has been a persistent fascination for military inventors since then. Austrian Airborne Balloons    In...

The Weirdest Inventions of 2023

Inventions are one of the most wonderful products of humanity’s life on the planet. Seeking solutions to pressing problems, showing creativity and courage, dreamers all over the world bring their fantasies to life, sometimes provoking real revolutions in the lifestyle of millions of earthlings,...

Top 5 Legendary Hackers

On July 16th, Kevin Mitnick, a cult figure from the ’90s and the first person with “computer addiction” to be placed on the FBI’s most-wanted list, passed away. However, as the history shows, he and other well-known hackers contributed less harm to society and, instead,...

Get Rid of Traffic Jams

As the number of cars is rapidly increasing all over the world, the desire to be stuck in traffic jams is decreasing. You’d like to take off and be in the office in a matter of minutes. Manufacturers of flying cars claim that in...

Top 5 Promising Startups of 2023

The world is on the verge of a recession. The 2023 macroeconomic environment is characterized by a slowdown, inflation, and rising interest rates that inevitably affect the world of startups and venture capital financing. Investors are re-evaluating their strategies, adjusting to the economic downturn,...

Web 3.0 Revolution: Pros, Cons and Pitfalls

On August 6, 1991, while employed at CERN, a huge particle physics laboratory in Switzerland, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee created the first ever website. Berners was so tired of searching for and combining information from thousands of scientists’ computers scattered around the world that he...

The Way AI Boosts Human Productivity

Everyone is excited about generative artificial intelligence. However, sometimes, the hype around the latest innovation remains just an empty sound when the technology fails to pass the test in practice and does not bring significant productivity or profit gains. This seems to be definitely...


10 Best Series of November

The struggle of ordinary Ukrainians against the Russian invaders, epochal events in the life of the royal family, adventures of the first ever zoomer detective, Oliver Twist spin-off and desperate attempts of a group of drunken commandos to save Las Vegas from being blown...

Scary Five From The King of Horror, Stephen King

Stephen King is an undisputed titan of world literature. Despite the variety of forms and genres in which he works, his horror novels are considered to be cult. King has a unique sense of human fears and skillfully uses this ability to make the...

Artists Who Create Modernity

Scientific research has shown that viewing art can have a profound effect on our neural connections. Our brains release dopamine, the “feel good” neurotransmitter, when we look at works of art that resonate with our emotions. That is why art – in addition to...

Darkness, Take My Hand: 7 Eastern European Films Noir Worth Seeing

Just as the debates over Neil Jordan’s “Marlowe” and Nicolas Winding Refn’s “Copenhagen Cowboy” are settling down, a new season of “True Detective” with Jodie Foster in the lead role is on the horizon. Regardless of what anyone says, noir in all its forms remains highly sought after in today’s...

Why Do They Replace Actors With Digital Fakes?

As digital technologies become more advanced, we increasingly find ourselves going to the cinema not to see the real faces of our favorite actors but rather their digitally altered counterparts. Sometimes it’s justified and well-executed, but not always. In the retro film “Vivre Sa...

The Best Cartoons For Family Viewing

The modern lifestyle leaves us little time for quality and meaningful offline communication. Moreover, even when we do manage to get together in the same space, we have to fight for each other’s attention with gadgets, social media, and streams of easy-to-consume entertainment content....

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