
10 Best Series of November

The struggle of ordinary Ukrainians against the Russian invaders, epochal events in the life of the royal family, adventures of the first ever zoomer detective, Oliver Twist spin-off and desperate attempts of a group of drunken commandos to save Las Vegas from being blown...

The Best Cartoons For Family Viewing

The modern lifestyle leaves us little time for quality and meaningful offline communication. Moreover, even when we do manage to get together in the same space, we have to fight for each other’s attention with gadgets, social media, and streams of easy-to-consume entertainment content....

Top 5 Series of 2023

Some say that series are the new books. Once upon a time, it was hard to imagine a decent person without a well-read library, but today video content is becoming a source of new knowledge and a simulator of emotional intelligence. Research by London Business School...

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