Estonia’s security police have apprehended Allan Hunts, a member of the pro-Kremlin party Koos, on suspicion of engaging in espionage against the country. The information was confirmed by the Estonian State Prosecutor’s Office, stating that Hunts is currently being held as a suspect, with investigators conducting preliminary procedural actions, as reported by ERR.

“On December 7, security police officers detained a 46-year-old Estonian citizen, who is suspected of engaging in espionage against the Republic of Estonia and supporting such actions. This is a preliminary suspicion that may change during the investigation,” said Kairi Küngas, the head of the State Prosecutor’s Office press service.

Allan Hunts has been one of the organizers of the “Immortal Regiment” march since 2017 and joined the pro-Kremlin party Koos in May 2023. According to one of Koos’ leaders, Oleg Ivanov, who fled to Russia with his wife in May of the current year, Allan Hunts was also planning to move to the Russian Federation in the coming days.

Recall that in November, Estonia initiated legal proceedings against Ivo Peterson, a representative of the Koos movement known for his pro-Russian views. In 2023, Peterson ran for parliament on a joint electoral list of the United Left Party and Koos. His pre-election campaign was marred by scandal related to his visit to the occupied territories of Ukraine, particularly Mariupol and Donetsk. Peterson appeared in several propaganda videos justifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and was also seen on the air of Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov’s program.

According to the charges, Ivo Peterson and Dmitry Roots, acting on instructions received from the Russian Federation, consciously and organizedly assisted Russia and individuals acting on behalf of the Russian authorities in non-violent actions aimed against the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Estonia from October 2022 to March 10, 2023.

Recall that in early December, Estonia called for the establishment of a special tribunal for Russia for its genocidal war against Ukraine. In particular, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas urged member countries of the Rome Statute to ensure “compliance with obligations under the Rome Statute” and focus on countering the criminal aggression of the dictatorial Russian regime.

Source: The Gaze