The Ukrainian IT Coalition has already united 11 countries and accumulated enough contributions for the first procurement of priority requests.

This was announced by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine Rustem Umerov

“The IT Coalition is an important long-term initiative, and we are grateful to our partners for their support. Estonia and Luxembourg demonstrate true leadership and partnership as the countries that chair the coalition and help us to engage new members. The initiative has already united 11 countries and accumulated enough contributions for the first procurement of our priority requests,” the statement said.

The Minister of Defence of Ukraine also thanked the partners for their willingness to support Ukraine in the long term, as well as Estonia and Luxembourg for their leadership.

“The signing of the cooperation agreement is an important step within the IT coalition. By combining our resources and experience, we can unlock the potential of IT, which will allow our military to achieve an information advantage over our enemy,” Umerov said.

He invited all Ukraine’s partners to join the IT coalition to be part of the technological breakthrough in this fight.

In his turn, Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur stressed that the IT Coalition, led by Estonia and Luxembourg, helps the Ukrainian Armed Forces to reach a new level.

“We are talking about communications, data centres, IT architecture. So the goal is to bring the best practices together. Already 11 countries have joined this coalition. We already have enough resources to start the first procurement. We very much hope that this will help the Ukrainian Armed Forces to win as soon as possible,” Pevkur said.

Luxembourg’s Minister of Defence Yuriko Backes also noted that the IT Coalition supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces in building secure information and communications technology infrastructure.

“Since its official launch, a well-structured management has been created. The first orders have already been placed. A phased approach based on the priorities set by Ukraine will be applied to achieve the goals. Reliable and secure communications are key to Ukraine’s military success,” Backes said.

She went on to call on other countries to join the initiative.

The IT Coalition is a group of 11 nations within the Ramstein Format Contact Group on Ukraine’s Defence, led by Estonia and Luxembourg, which focuses on supporting the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Armed Forces in the areas of IT, communications and cybersecurity.

Source: The Gaze