The Lithuanian branch of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will cover the rental housing costs for Ukrainian refugees. Payments will be one-time, covering the first and last months of rent.

It is reported by Vakaru Expresas.

Research has shown that 73% of Ukrainians have difficulty finding housing in Lithuania due to the challenges of paying for long-term rentals.

The payment amount will not exceed 504 euros per month, totaling up to 1008 euros.

This assistance will be provided to families with children, pregnant women, elderly individuals (above 60 years), and families with disabled members.

To be eligible, individuals must have a residence permit or a migration service card, as well as a rental agreement for a minimum of six months, signed at least 40 days before applying for assistance.

“We hope that this measure will help Ukrainians integrate more easily into Lithuania, especially those who have found employment and are trying to settle,” says Eitvydas Bingelis, the head of IOM Lithuania.

According to a survey conducted by IOM Lithuania in spring of this year, 62% of Ukrainians rented housing on the open market. This figure has increased by 11% compared to the previous year when 51% of Ukrainians rented housing.

Approximately 12% of Ukrainians did not pay rent because Lithuanian families took them in. Another 10% stayed with friends or relatives.

Nearly half of the respondents (44%) stated that they managed to find housing on their own, but securing long-term rental housing was not easy.

Rental agreements must be registered with the Registration Center.

“As an organization, we aim to assist the most vulnerable groups, people who face particularly challenging circumstances. That’s why we have additional criteria to ensure that help goes to those who need it most,” says Eitvydas Bingelis.

Additionally, the International Organization for Migration in Lithuania intends to allocate funds to families who have received support to purchase essential household items for their rental housing.

Currently, over 80,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Lithuania. The Lithuanian branch of IOM has been actively supporting Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of the war.

Last year, IOM Lithuania assisted over 11,000 refugees. They also provide free psychological counseling in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Also Vilnius office of the International Organization for Migration has also announced the completion of the distribution of medical cards to Ukrainian refugees.

“When the war started, Ukrainian arrivals in Lithuania identified financial stability and medical care as their primary needs. That’s why we decided to collaborate with a pharmacy chain and offer war refugees coupons that they could use to purchase the necessary items,” says Eitvydas Bingelis, the head of IOM Lithuania.

The most vulnerable Ukrainians, including children, disabled individuals, and the elderly, received pharmacy vouchers. Additionally, 153 cards were distributed to Ukrainian children in care facilities.

Source: The Gaze